Danae Mercer amerikai újságíró és tartalomgyártó az Instagramon hívja fel a figyelmet a közösségi média testtorzító trükkjeire, vicces oktatóvideókban tanítja meg a világnak, hogyan is néz ki egy egészséges női test. Ahogy ő mondja, sokkal kifizetődőbb megtanulni megszeretni az adottságainkat, mint szélmalomharcot vívni magunkkal, hogy miért nem nézünk ki úgy, mint egy fitneszinfluenszer. Szőcs Lilla írása.
„A közösségi média nem a valóság”
Mercer minden posztja ezzel a mondattal kezdődik, ő maga ugyanis sokáig evészavarral küszködött, mígnem nehezen, de segítséget kért, hogyan kezelje. Számos ismert életmódmagazin újságírója volt, közel tíz éve dolgozik a médiában.
Evészavara kialakulásában közrejátszott az a valótlan, idealizált női testkép, ami a médiában terjed már évtizedek óta.
Testközelből tapasztalta meg, hogyan torzít a média, hogyan lehet eltüntetni „kellemetlen hibákat” egy-egy fotós trükkel vagy egy előnyösebb megvilágítással.
Akkoriban (másokkal együtt) még ő is úgy gondolta, hogy a teste hibáit rejtegetnie kell, életének kulcsát és sikerét a vágyott alak elérésében látta.
Ma már egészen másképp gondolkodik erről, pálfordulásáról és testképzavaráról oktató beszélgetéseket tart, ír, blogol, és mindenkit arra buzdít, hogy szeresse a teste minden porcikáját.
Szabadúszó újságíróként olyan ismert lapokba ír, mint a The Guardian, a CNN Travel, a Shape, a The Sunday Times, és rádióműsora is volt a BBC-n. Talán az egyik legfoglalkoztatottabb életmód-újságíró, aki ismertségét és kapcsolatait most arra használja, hogy terjessze a testpozitív gondolkodás fontosságát – mindezt pedig baromi jó humorral és önkritikával teszi.
Mercer a mai napig nem tagadja, hogy nők millióihoz hasonlóan ő is sóvárgott a tökéletes, „zero size” modellalakért, ezért pedig kíméletlenül mindent megtett. Egyik őrült fogyókúrát követte a másik, elképesztően egészségtelen dolgokat művelt a testével – ismeri be nyers őszinteséggel blogjában.
Bármit megtett volna a vágyott alakért. Amikor pedig elérte, a katarzisérzés helyett önutálat és elégedetlenség töltötte el. Végül, amikor már a felismerhetetlenségig lesoványodott, pszichológushoz fordult, hogy kezelje evészavarát.
A felismeréstől a gyógyulásig
Évek kellettek, mire egyensúlyba került magával, és megtanulta szeretni a testét. Ma már viszont boldogan jelenti, hogy annak minden részét, hibáját szereti. Tudását és kapcsolatait pedig arra használja, hogy játékosan, viccesen, önironikusan megmutassa nekünk, többieknek, hogy milyen is a valódi női test. Ez pedig remekül sikerült.
Baromi szellemes videókban mutatja meg a puffadás különböző formáit (YouTube-on és Instagramon is megtaláljátok, utóbbin a legaktívabb), máskor pedig leleplezi azokat a Photoshop-trükköket, amikkel valójában az állítólagos tökéletes testek készülnek.
„Muszáj emlékeztetnünk a világot arra, hogy milyen egy igazi női test. A közösségi média nem a valóság.”
Mercer részletesen mesél arról is, hogy milyen fotózási trükkök vannak – amiket annak idején ők is rendszeresen használtak különböző magazinoknál –, amelyekkel elfedhetők a modellek kellemetlen hibái. Ezek a módszerek a mai napig nem változtak, az influenszerek is ugyanezeket a képi trükköket alkalmazzák.
Kedvelt témái között szerepelnek még a közösségi média nem valósághű figurái, posztjaiban rendszeresen kipróbálja és megmutatja, hogy az adott életvitel, amit egy-egy influenszer a képeivel üzen, mennyire nem életszerű.
Finom humorán és önkritikáján túl további szimpatikus tulajdonsága, hogy bármilyen felháborítók is ezek a képi manipulációk, bármennyi támadást kap is, amiért kiteszi Instagramra a narancsbőrös fenekét – ő maga kizökkenthetetlen.
Nem fikáz, nem buzdít gyűlölködésre, nem szól oda, képes nyitottsággal és szeretettel állni mindenkihez.
Jelenleg több mint egymillió követője van, és a testpozitív közössége napról napra gyarapodik.
1. Nem a méret a lényeg
You do NOT have to MAKE YOURSELF SMALL. I have always known how. In arguments. In my body. In the presence of stronger voices. Small, and then quietly, softly, smaller. Because if I was small enough and slight enough, then perhaps there would be love. Approval. Praise. I skipped meals and I stopped words and I shrunk myself in so many, many ways. I struggled with disordered eating for years. I battled with self confidence for many more. And I reckon I'm not alone in this. In fact I know I'm not. I see your messages. But the problem is, SHRINKING ourselves never will offer a SOLUTION. It just limits our authenticity and our experiences and us. It SHRINKS US. So instead, today, I want to challenge you to let yourself be heard. Let yourself speak. Allow yourself the luxury of showing up in a way that FEELS RIGHT to you. Whether that's dancing in a bikini or eating that meal or running on a treadmill or simply curling up with a loved one, warm and safe. Allow yourself to be, if even just for a fragile moment, anything but small. Then allow it again. And again. And again. It is scary, I know. I'm with you. I'm learning. Every day I'm learning. And I'm realizing that as humans, we do not have to FIT IN. We simply have to FIGURE OUT who WE ARE. There's no shrinking involved in that. There's only growth. You got this girl. We're in this together. x Quote on back by @rileylaster_rd #selflove #selfacceptance #feminist #femaleempowerment #positivequotes
2. Így néz ki a kockahas egy falat után
BLOATING ADVICE please. I also want to shoutout to my fav high-rise medium-compression leggings by @womensbest.me, now available at Namshi. More styles are in my stories (#YupSponsored #AlsoAnAd). As for bloating - I've had a puffy belly for YEARS. Maybe my entire life. Only lately, the bloating has gone crazy. It keeps waking me up and sometimes there's quite bad discomfort - none of these things normal. So I'm on a journey to understand. I'm talking to experts and trying new things - including poo'ing into a cup (that's this week) and doing a breath test that takes three hours. A lot of stuff hasn't changed anything (like taking some probiotics or downing shots of wheatgrass). But I guess that's all part of this journey: experimenting, testing, and learning. Everything is being documented for YouTube. If you've found anything that helps ease the discomfort, let me know. I'm all ears on this weird little gut healing journey of mine. Until I figure it out, I'm all about the high-rise leggings. #AgainThisisAcollab #butalsoadviceplease #womensbestwear #workoutkit #workoutstyles #bloating #guthealth
3. Soha senki nem ül a valóságban úgy, mint a bal oldali képen. SOHA!
Insta vs Reality - or let's talk SITTING I would NEVER ACTUALLY sit like the picture on the left. Because I'm not even sitting. I'm hovering. My quads are holding my body weight. My core is tight, my back arched. And I am up OFF my HEELS, otherwise my thighs would squish and dimple all around my feet and legs. Because, hey, that's what SKIN DOES. The way I sit is like the right: relaxed, chilled, my limbs in comfortable positions. BOTH pics are fantastic, and I'm totally here for it if you want to POSE or chill, ARCH or RELAX. Whatever speaks to you, go for it. My goal today is just to PULL BACK that CURTAIN And remind you again, and again, and as many times as I need to that SOCIAL MEDIA is NOT REAL. These quick, fleeting instances are filtered, Posed. Smoothed. Lit. Oiled. Glossed. Until perfection is all we are presented with. But us humans, we are way more WONDERFUL than that. And our bodies are just wrappings for what sits inside: Our souls. Our hearts. Our spirits. All the things that don't perk up or slouch down when a camera flicks off or on. And all the things that matter SO MUCH MORE than a single SELFIE ever could. Hope that helps today. You're incredible girl. Don't ever forget it. x #instavsreality #posedvsrelaxed #socialmediavsreality #celluliteisnormal
4. Minden test egyedi, mindegyik másként működik
So many of you have messaged me about the pressures you face. The pressure to be married by a given age. The pressure to have one kid. The pressure to have more. The pressure to get your prebaby body back. The pressure to achieve a certain job. A certain degree. A certain something. And so many of these stories are touching, intense, real and raw. But here's the thing: We each have our own timeline. Our own road. Our own rhythm. And that's ok. That's more than ok. That's POWERFUL. Because once we embrace what FEELS RIGHT TO US, and stop worrying WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK, we are unstoppable. We might be a genuine, straight talking, photography loving new mama, like the lovely @carlyneave. We might be an awkward American journalist obsessed with her kitten, like this lil writer. Or we might be a dozen, a thousand other things. But amid all this, we have the opportunity to share something in common: That we are being TRUE to OURSELVES. To OUR OWN JOURNEY. And that? Well. That's a powerful form of sisterhood indeed. To sum it up? You do you boo. You're the best at it. #selflove #womenirl #agepos #womenwhoroar #bossbabes #mentalhealth #whstrong #feminist
5. A bal oldalit teszed ki Instagramra, de valójában mindkét kép kimehetne
Insta vs Reality / OR changing your BODY does not change your BODY IMAGE. There was a time in my life when I was obsessed with being thin. I skipped meals. Memories. Moments. I was convinced if I lost those next 10lbs, if I hit this magical number in my mind, I would feel good. Strong. WORTHY. I was convinced I would be LOVED. And that maybe, just maybe, I would love myself too. But here's the thing: Shrinking changed NOTHING. Except some number on a scale. Now I am heavier. Older. And I have never felt more confident in my body or in myself. It's still a work in progress (always, maybe always), but I see my CELLULITE and don't feel shame. I see my limbs with all their bits in ALL THE LIGHTING and love what they can do for me. And I see my heart, clumsy as it is, stumbling as it is, and I let it be. I let it exist without judgement. So today, I want to remind you something it too me far too long to learn: Changing our APPEARANCE won't FIX what's going on INSIDE. We can train and sweat and eat all the greens, but if we don't solve what's happening in our hearts or in our heads, those thoughts will remain. Those battles will remain. Whether they are related to how we see our BODIES Or how we view OURSELVES. The work starts inside. In our heads. In our hearts. In the quiet, raw, tender bits of our soul, that sit so fragile and so shy just crying out for love. In all these parts, that's where the true change happens. And that's something we can never really share in an insta/reality photo. But we can certainly like all the same. You got this girl. x Photo @chiclebelle who is just a wondrous woman. #selflove #bodyconfident #selflove #iweigh #feminist #mentalhealth #edrecovery
6. Így készül a kamu sportos fenék Instagramon, mutatjuk:
Want a social media BOOTIE? Or, hey, ever wonder how all that fitspo ALWAYS have perky patooties? Well here you go. Angles. Positioning. Flexing. Camera movement. Mix it all together and you've got one super defined derrier. Which is OK. Which is cool. But it's also important to remember that very few folks really walk around with the fitspo tushies like we see online. Some peachy people train crazy hard (like the incredible @zoehappyfit 🥰) and some have epic genetics. Some just know how to work the camera. So just a small note to say that instagram, social media, it's not real -- even if it's great for photography tips. Good luck out there folks. Peaches and all. #instagramvsreality #weartheshorts #glutes
7. Így készülnek a kamu előtte és utána képek
BEFORE and AFTER transformations are so gosh darn easy to FAKE. And dodgy brands, like those selling DIET TEAS or DIET JABS (the newest horrible thing to hit the market) often do exactly that. So before I get into the ANGLES and the technique and all that razzle dazzle, I just want to say this: Be careful. Especially to the teens on here, or those of us who have struggled with disordered body image. Be careful. Dodgy companies will use dodgy methods to try to sell you things you don't need. Things like teas that make you poo or SHOTS that mess up your body or pills that make your heart race. HEALTH goals are incredible. There are LOADS of GENUINE FITNESS transformations on here too. Plenty of REAL 'before and afters', which are shared by folks who are proud at all they've achieved. Those are incredible. I always have and I always will APPLAUD HEALTH as an act of self love. This post isn't about that. It's about the BEFORE AND AFTERS with DIET ADS. Or with DETOX TEAS. Or with the most recent onslaught of SKINNY SHOTS. And all the awful, awful fakery that wraps themselves around products more concerned with MONEY than with WELLNESS. It's about learning to be careful. And to view the internet with a critical eye - especially where money is involved. Now if you're curious about HOW I took these PHOTOS, here's what I did: Pulled my bottoms up higher (longer leg line). Arched my back (waist looks smaller, bum bigger). Popped into my hips. Squeezed my core. Played with light and shadows to hide my cellulite. Swapped into more flattering clothes. And BAM. Before to After in 10 seconds flat. Try it if you fancy. It's pretty much a back workout. So there you go. Glad you're here. I hope this helped. Please don't ever buy a skinny jab. We're in this together. x #angles #posingtips #selfconfidence #beforeandafter #instagramvsreality #instavsreality
8. Így készülnek egy telefonos alkalmazással a látszólag tökéletes kigyúrt testek, amilyen soha senkinek nincs. SOHA!
Let's talk EDITING APPS. This transformation took all of two minutes. I smudged out stretchmarks and swapped my bloating for a bum, brightened my eyes and smoothed that great lil mid-forehead vein. In just 120 seconds, I became a SHINIER, GLOSSIER version of myself. And it was incredibly easy. I used to edit my photos like this. When I was recovering from my relapse, I felt delicate. Insecure. So I would use apps like these to make myself THINNER. Always, always thinner. Because in my mind, thin was perfect. And maybe if I was perfect, everything would be ok. Maybe I would be loved. So I have NO anger towards people who use these. No anger. Because I've been there. Instead I want to stress to YOU how OFTEN it happens. How in addition to posing and lighting and outfit swaps and all the shiny things I talk about on here, there's always this lil side of technology. And I want to say that if you're someone who uses these often, Who changes your body or changes your skin or changes YOU, Know you are seen. You are worthy. And you are LOVED, EXACTLY as you already are. No technology-sponsored changes required. Stay safe out there gals. We're in this together. Original photo @chiclebelle #instagramvsreality #feminist #beforeandafter #instavsreality #iweigh #bodyacceptance #selflove
9. A nők több mint nyolcvan százalékának narancsbőrös a feneke, mégis miért hazudunk egymásnak?!
What would you tell your 13-year-old self? I'd teach me, baby me, that OVER 80% of women have CELLULITE. That stretchmarks are common. That bodies are MEANT to change. That thighs CAN be squishy or strong or soft or come in so many different shapes. And those are just some of the PHYSICAL lessons. The exterior, the wrapping. I'd also tell her about how women must support each other, about how society tells us COMPETITION is the answer but it isn't, it's a game designed so we all LOSE; I'd teach her about CONSENT and assault and safety; I'd hug her close and tell her how PERFECTION doesn't make friends, but vulnerability DOES builds FAMILIES. I'd tell her so much. I'd tell my 30-year-old self these things too. And I suppose that's what I hope we can do on here: Together, clumsy and messy as we are, we can REWRITE the rules. We can HAVE these CONVERSATIONS. Not just for the little girls we ONCE WERE, but for the WOMEN we now are. We can REMEMBER and LEARN and RELEARN these delicate, nuanced lessons. About our BODIES, and how our BODIES are so wonderfully NORMAL, even if we have been told for so long that they are FLAWED. About our PERSONALITIES. About our HEARTS. About US. Together. Together we can fight for this CHANGE. Whether it's one wiggly jiggly bum selfie, Or one authentic moment with a stranger talking across a screen. Bit by bit Moment by moment Women EMPOWERING WOMEN One step at a time. x #selflove #feminist #bodyacceptance #womenirl #meufparis
10. Megszívlelendő tanács
The way YOU LOVE YOURSELF is how you teach others to love you. This goes for your BODY. Your MIND. Your spirit. It took me two emotionally abusive relationships and then one healthy one to realise that. One partner often commented on my body. My jiggly thighs. My sausage legs. My numpty brain that couldn't handle intelligent thoughts. The other shamed me for my family, my background, my personality. I let both of them. I didn't LOVE MYSELF enough to believe that they were wrong. To KNOW that they were wrong. Now I realise SELF LOVE is so CRITICAL in any relationship - romantic, friendship, whatever. It allows us to create BOUNDARIES and say this is ok, that is not. It helps us show up as our AUTHENTIC SELVES, not just shells ready to be filled or shapes to be moulded. It reassures us that the people who truly CARE would never make us FEEL LESS THAN. And that we deserve someone as incredible, as wonderful, as human as we are. We do. We do. So today, now, this goes out to all you gals taking steps on that tough self love journey. It's hard, but it's worth it. You're worth it. x Outfit @missguided #feminist #selflove #inspirationalquotes #quoteoftheday
11. Tanulságos videó arról, hogyan készülnek az influenszerfenekek
How do influencers get GREAT BOOTIE PHOTOS? But also - SOCIAL MEDIA is NOT REAL. Seriously. It's not. Look how much my bumbum transforms just by how I'm standing. PLUS I'm in SHADOW, which hides my cellulite and stretchmarks. And I'm filming on a LOW RES FRONT CAM, which does the same. Here's how I did it. THE BIKINI: You usually see this pose in TRAVEL SNAPS, with a tanned beach bum framed against a blue sky. Sometimes there's a guy's hand reaching up. HOW: Bikini high for longer leg lines; step my feet apart; pop my hips back; arms overhead so waist looks longer; and bam take photo. It looks crazy from the side though 😂❤️. THE WORKOUT WEAR: Bonus points for light coloured leggings and/or bum rusching, which adds to this. HOW: Face away from camera, legs in a line. Rotate over one shoulder. Squeeze back bum cheek. Arch hips back. Squeeze core. Arms overhead for long waist. Bam! Take photo. So there you go. Look, if you want to run around taking all the bumbum photos and rocking all the angles, go for it. But more importantly, remember this: SOCIAL MEDIA is not REAL. It's POSED. FILTERED. PERFECTED. Especially with aesthetic photos. So don't compare yourself. Don't be hard on yourself. You're doing great - no bootie pose required x . Also top is @womensbestwear @womensbest.me . #instagramvsreality #socialmediavsreality #fitspo #bodyconfidence #selflove #posing
12. Ilyen a has behúzva, és ilyen egy kiadós kajálás után, még akkor is, ha előtte edzettél
SQUEEZING VS RELAXED - OR, I don't care how bloated you are, you need to eat. Because your body DESERVES food. Regardless of if you trained that morning. Regardless of if you had pizza the night before. Eat - gently, kindly, in a way that fills your soul or fuels your goals. And remember that social media is only half the story. Not even half. Not even a blink in a moment. Here I'm squeezing my stomach, arching my back, exhaling, holding everything in. And bam, perfect insta pose. But the reality is this: When I get anxious, my bloating gets bad. And my appetite goes away. Both delicate, dangerous things for anyone who has ever struggled with disordered eating. So on here, I remind you gals to eat. And off of here, I hold myself to the same standards. Just a reminder. For you. For me. For anyone that needs to hear it. Take care of yourself ladies. x . . #bloating #posing #edawareness #socialmediavsreality #eatingdisorderrecovery #eatingdisorderawareness
13. Csak az Instagramon állnak így az emberek, a valódi testtartásom ilyen:
Don't COMPARE YOURSELF to a stranger on the internet. I've worked in media and magazines for over 10 years. And in publishing, it feels normal to see curated ideals of dream lives, dream bodies. But social media tells us a different story. It says every girl is the girl next door. Every goal is casually achievable. And suddenly every supermodel on a superyacht becomes the norm. Part of us knows this ISN'T true. Part of us forgets. So today I just wanted to remind you: Don't compare yourself to a stranger on social media. Don't compare yourself to hundreds of highlight reels. Not in the way your body is shaped. Not in the way you handle emotions or challenges. Not in the raw fragile parts that make you who you are. Because what we see on here is an echo chamber of perfect angles and hand picked truths. And humans are far more complex, far more nuanced, far more perfectly imperfect than that. You got this. x . Outfit @womensbestwear @womensbest . #selflove #bodyacceptance #instavsreality #instagramvsreality #posing #bodyconfidence #feminist
14. Így készülnek a szelfik
INSTA VS REALITY: AT HOME, super causal, 'look I'm in loungewear' selfies are everywhere - and a lot of them aren't nearly as RELAXED as they seem. There's heaps of POSING to get that great shot. Which is great and cool. I love a good 'oh so chilled' selfie snap. BUT I also want to remind you that SOCIAL MEDIA is FILTERED. Don't compare yourself to strangers on the internet. Because trust me girl, NO ONE walks around with that much of a wedgie. And your at home self is better than any selfie could ever hope to share. Curious about the technique? Here's what happens. ONE Bottoms high on the leg for that long line. TWO Make a crop top. You see this with HOODIES a lot. Girls tuck it into their bra to make a waist. THREE Hips popped back and back over-arched. FOUR Core tight. FIVE Legs toward mirror, because whatever is closest to camera appears larger/longer. SIX Arm up so abs become longer. SEVEN Exhale and don't breathe. And there you go. The perfect 'oh I just threw this on!' social isolation selfie. It's a whole lot of work though. And girl? You're already magic. x . . #instagramvsreality #fitspo #bodyconfidence #bodyacceptance #normalizenormalbodies
15. …és a férfiak testét milyen gyümölcshöz szokták hasonlítgatni?
Pear. Apple. Flipping BANANA. You know what our bodies are NOT? They are not fruits. But my gosh, for a good 30 years of my life, I thought of it that way. I was a pear: small on top, big and droopy on bottom. As a teen, I never realized just how dangerous such thinking is. But here's the problem: This game implies bodies are somehow inherently WRONG. We must DRESS to FIX our shape. We must balance out the 'bad' parts and enhance the 'good'. We break ourselves down into bite sized bits. Pieces. Portions, like segments of an orange. And only some deserve love. In the same breath, it makes us objects. Shrinks us. Men are not compared to fruits. They are not taught to dress for their body types. They dress. That's it. So today, I want you to remember this: You, girl, are not a piece of produce. You're not an hourglass or rectangle or square. You're a galaxy. A universe. A complex combination of passion and emotions and intelligence and love, all wrapped up in the most perfectly imperfect package. That's a glorious, wonderful, absolutely tasty thing indeed. . #sellove #bopo #bodyacceptance #iweigh #womenwhoroar #meufparis #aufeminin #womenirl
16. Ilyen a hasam, ha nincs behúzva
This, the way bellies sag all soft and full when we lay on our sides, is something I'm still working on. It's one of those things, those fragile little things, that I'm learning to love. And I thought maybe it might be for some of you too. For me, it's played out in relationships. I don't really like partners holding my belly when we snuggle. I'd rather they touch my hand, my shoulder. But not the bloated part of me I have battled for so long. Only this is absurd. Bodies are bodies. Magnificent. Human. Malleable and alive and living and luscious, with all their soft curves and hard lined and gentle slopes of skin. And yes, yes, some women may have stomachs of steel that stay strong even when they are all cuddled and relaxed. That's cool. That's great. But equally as great are all the other tummies. The other bellies. The bodies like mine and different from mine and the whole magnificent human range. Let this be a reminder today, if you need it. I know I did. Let it remind you that your body and soul and essence are ALL marvellous, posed or relaxed, firm or soft. Because they're part of you. And that? That's the most incredible thing of all. . . . #iweigh #selflove #bodypositive #bloating #bopo #womenirl
17. Egészséges… és szintén egészséges
HEALTH isn't a size. It's not a number. And it sure as heck isn't an AESTHETIC. I wish I could go back and tell my younger self this. Because there was a time I dieted and trained and starved away most of that cellulite. Health, REAL health, was the last thing on my mind. The same happens to so many of us when we get our GOALS twisted in our minds. When we confuse what REALLY MATTERS with what some society has said SHOULD BE. So today, I want to challenge you to focus on WELLNESS, not WEIGHT. Look at what your body CAN DO FOR YOU, instead of just WHAT it 'should' LOOK LIKE. Explore how you FEEL when you move, meditate, rest and recover, in whatever unique and beautiful way RESONATES WITH YOU. Remind yourself, as many times as you can, as often as you need to, that HEALTH is not a LOOK. It is much greater, much stronger, much BETTER than that. And darling, so are you. Photo @chiclebelle . . . . #selflove #iweigh #normalizenormalbodies #perfectlyme #cellulite #stretchmarks #whstrong #feminist
18. Így lehet a csípő ki-be tolásával kamuképeket csinálni
Worried about your HIP DIPS because some ridiculous trend says we should be so? TEMPTED to purchase some of those hip dip shakers or thigh slimming diet pills? Tired of feeling like your LEGS just DON'T FIT IN? Well girl, have I got some news for you. First, HIP DIPS are related to your GENES and bone structure, not how HEALTHY YOU ARE. Despite what some stupid social media posts might say. Second, it's pretty dang hard to 'GET RID' of hip dips - because, hey, they are GENETIC. Some workouts might build muscle here or trim muscle there and shift their appearance a bit, but experts say they don't really go away. Third, there's a whole dang INDUSTRY trying to MAKE YOU FEEL BAD about them and then PROFIT off that insecurity. PLUS it's so easy to FAKE their 'removal'. Just pop your hips back and rotate your knees in, like pose one. Or pop one hip out and stick your other leg to the side, like pose two. All this is to say that HIP DIPS are NORMAL. COMMON. And so darn HEALTHY. So remember that whether you've got hip dips or smooth hips or jiggly bits or WHATEVER, you're doing great. Social media is filtered. And your health? That's SO MUCH MORE than some stupid ONLINE TREND. x . . . #selflove #popsugarfitness #whstrong #womenshealth #hipdips #normalizenormalbodies #bopo #feminist
19. Amit posztolsz és amit törölsz
On social media, we tend to only see 'GOOD' angles. And, hey, only really show them too. It's human, because we want to look FIERCE and feel FIREY and have all those great HAPPY FEELINGS. All that's ok. That's perfectly ok. But today I just wanted to remind you: What you see posted on here? What you see filling your feed right now? All those workouts and those incredible recipes and those people doing amazing things with their amazing partners in their amazing quarantined homes? It's filtered. It's a whole lot of 'good angles' and curated pinpoints of perfection. So remember that as you scroll - especially if you start to slide into that dangerous game of comparison. Tell yourself as you go along: Social media is a HIGHLIGHT REEL more than it is REAL. And you're doing just fine. Really. Really. x #instagramvsreality #socialmediavsreality #womenirl #meufparis #iweigh #whstrong #normalizenormalbodies #talkingoutloud #bossbabes #selflovesquad #bopo #feminist
20. Így készül a valaha volt legnépszerűbb Instagram-póz:
You've probably seen these two poses online: 🔅 Kneeling, knees to camera, abs tight 🔅 Sitting, bumum to camera, super arched. Here's the thing: no one sits like that in real life. They sit like that because it looks great in photos. How's it done? 🔅 Lift your bikini side for longer legs (skip if wearing leggings obviously) 🔅Create an angle with your body 🔅 Move what you want larger closer to camera 🔅 Squeeze EVERYTHING And BAM! Different photo, same gal. There's absolutely nothing wrong with taking pics like this. I do it all the time. But it's critical we remember the reality behind the perfect insta-snap. And that we remind ourselves constantly just how much social media is NOT REAL. Even when it comes to sitting down 😂❤️. #talkingoutloud #whstrong #socialmediavsreality #photographytips #normalizenormalbodies #cellulite #iweigh #popsugarfitness
21. Így készül a strandtest: vedd fel a bikinid, és menj ki a strandra!
Know what shouldn't stop you from rocking that bikini? BLOATING. OR CELLULITE. Or STRETCHMARKS. Or any other silly little thing that society has told us we should be ashamed of. Because here's the thing: ALL bodies are BIKINI BODIES. I didn't know this for many, many years. I HATED my wiggly jiggly bumbum. Somewhere along the line I was told it was imperfect and that just stuck with me. But now? Now I'm DONE feeling ASHAMED for all that I am. I'm tired of trying to shrink myself into a shape and style that doesn't serve me. I'm through selling my joy and happiness to brands that profit from my insecurities. And I'd love to see you do the same. Step by step. Bit by bit. Rocking whatever version of you that feels healthy and happy and strong. Because that? That's the most beautiful bikini body of all. #selflove #bikinibody #normalizenormalbodies #allbodiesatebeautiful #bodypositive #whstrong #iweigh
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