Mindig is kíváncsi voltál arra, vajon hogy állna neked Julius Cézár tógája vagy Marie Antoinette rizsporos parókája – és egyáltalán, hogyan néznének ki a mai emberek a régi korok divatja szerint? Becca Saladin grafikus is eljátszott ezzel a gondolattal, illetve azzal, hogy vajon a történelem ismert szereplői hogyan festenének 2020-ban. A Photoshop segítségével utána is járt ennek – mutatjuk. Szőcs Lilla gyűjtése.
Az Instagramon rettentő népszerűek a különböző művészeti kihívások – legutóbb például magyar lányok belterjes poénjaiból készült grafikákat mutattunk. Most pedig egy külföldi oldal lett a személyes kedvencünk. Egy fiatal grafikus, Becca Saladin oldala Royalty Now néven robbant be a köztudatba, munkái pedig pillanatok alatt bejárták a világsajtót. Ő arra vállalkozott, hogy megalkossa ismert történelmi személyek modern kori portréit. Mindig is élt-halt a történelemért, úgyhogy számára ez igazi szerelemprojekt, plusz nem titkolt szándéka, hogy kedvet csináljon a fiataloknak a történelemtanuláshoz.
Ókori egyiptomi királynéktól kezdve római császárokon át a francia Napkirály udvaráig mindenkit átidőutaztatott napjainkba.
Saladin elmondása szerint a szakmai feladat ebben főként az volt, hogy minél több archív anyagot össze kellett gyűjteni a kiválasztott személyiségekről – szobrokat, festményeket –, hogy hitelesen alkothassa meg a profiljukat. Cézár kiköpött olyan lett, mint egy technológiai startup CEO-ja, XV. Lajos pedig tőzsdecápa külsőt kapott, míg Jane Austen egy szomorú szemű brit popénekesnőnek tűnik.
Hasonló gondolattal egy norvég rendezőpáros is eljátszott nemrég a népszerű Időbevándorlókban. A sorozat sztorija szerint Norvégia különböző pontjain rejtélyes időkapuk nyílnak, amiken keresztül különböző korokból érkeznek időbevándorlók (például vikingek) – ez okozza majd a későbbi konfliktusokat a modern kor embereivel. Remélem, a készítők is belefutnak ebbe a gyűjtésbe, és talán megfontolják, hogy készítsenek egy francia vagy olasz évadot is, amelyben római császárok ugranak át hozzánk látogatóba. Valahogy így néznének ki:
1. Marie Antoinette francia királyné
While I'm working away on my next subject, let's go ahead and enjoy this one from 7 months ago: Marie Antionette. Did you guys like the Sofia Coppola movie? I really enjoyed it but I know some people hated it.
2. Boleyn Anna angol királyné
I hope nobody here will get tired of my Anne Boleyn posts...she is my favorite historical figure so you may get quite a few :) Many people asked me last time I posted Anne if I really thought her features (specifically her lips) were really that delicate - and I don't think they were. Tudor portraiture often de-emphasized these features, so I modified my finished version to reflect what I think is probably her more likely appearance. Since it's the holiday season, one of my favorite ghost stories is the story of Anne appearing underneath the great oak tree at Hever Castle, her childhood home, every Christmas day. Do you all have a favorite historic ghost story? Hope you all have a great holiday season! 🎄🎄 . Credit for left image: Wikimedia Commons, United States Public Domain, right image base: © Glenn Francis, www.pacificprodigital.com
3. XV. Lajos francia király
Louis XV is lesser known than his predecessor the Sun King and his heir, Louis XVI, but he was the second-longest reigning monarch in French history. I have always known him by his famous mistresses, Madame De Pompadour (a former Royalty Now subject, swipe ➡️➡️ to see her) and Madame du Barry. I'll do Madame du Barry soon and complete the set!
4. Madame du Barry, XV. Lajos szeretője
As you all know, last week I completed Louis XV's portrait with the goal of creating both of his famous official mistresses. This is Madame du Barry - the official mistress of Louis XV after his first love, Madame de Pompadour's death. Swipe to see them all! ➡️➡️ . . Do you think Madame de Pompadour and Madame du Barry look alike? I think they definitely do, but it could also be the way the portraits were painted at the time. Let me know what you all think in the comments! 📢
5. VIII. Henrik angol király
Just to finish up with Henry and his wives, here's a revamped version of Henry VIII. . . . #HenryVIII #1500s #1500sHistory #EnglishHistory #BritishHistory #TudoryHistory #HistoryofEngland #EnglishMonarchy #Monarchy #Royalty #RoyaltyNow #HistoryoftheMonarchy #CatherineParr #AnneBoleyn #CatherineHoward #AnneofCleves #JaneSeymour #ElizabethofYork #HenryVII #RichardIII #Portrait #GraphicDesign #Photoshop #History #HistoricalPortrait #QueenElizabeth #PrinceHarry #PrinceWilliam
6. Aragóniai Katalin, VIII. Henrik első felesége
This portrait of Katherine of Aragon, wife of King Henry VIII and queen of England from 1509-1533, has always been my favorite. There are several portraits of her that all range in looks, so it's hard to tell her true likeness. I think this one captures her piety as documented by historians. . . . #history #royals #royaltynow #royalsnow #historicalportrait #queenofengland #1500s #photoshopped #photoshop #photoshoppedhistory #moderndayhistory #graphicdesign #katherineofaragon #queenisabella #kingferdinand #kinghenryviii #anneboleyn #historyincolor #historycometolife
7. Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar. This was a fun one that took some time and I've been really excited to share. I think he has a very regal look about him - what do you guys think?
8. Toledói Eleonóra firenzei hercegné, I. Cosimo de’ Medici felesége
Eleanor of Toledo was an astonishing woman. Originally from Toledo, Spain, she was bride to a famous member of the Medici Family, Cosimo I de Medici. Her husband regularly consulted with her on matters of politics, and she even served as consort during his time away from Florence. I'm hoping to do a portrait of Cosimo I soon. Do you have a favorite Medici family member?
9. Bonaparte Napóleon francia császár
Did you know that Napoleon was most likely 5'7"? That's taller than King Louis XIV. Some say his perceived smaller stature was due to him looking small in comparison to his huge accomplishments. Others say it there was an error when translating his true height from French to English. Who do you think he looks like here? Original portrait by Jacques-Louis David.
10. Mona Lisa
Not exactly royalty but certainly one of the most well known faces in the world: the Mona Lisa. What do you all think about the calls to remove her from the Louvre?
11. Agrippina, Caligula nővére és Nero anyja
Agrippina the Younger is someone I only recently learned more about, but she had a crazy life. She was the sister to Emperor Caligula, and the mother to Emperor Nero. I highly recommend giving her a search if you're interested in that era of roman history! I couldn't find any contemporary descriptions of her looks, so I based her coloring off of Caligula's, who did have his looks described (and who was a former Royalty Now subject!). Swipe right ➡️ do you guys see any resemblance? I see it in the eyebrows and nose. . . Image left: © Carole Raddato, image right base: pixabay.com
12. Caligula római császár
Caligula, infamous brat & Roman Emperor. Does he look like you thought he would? 😏
13. Nofertiti ókori egyiptomi királyné
Throwback to the stunning Queen Nefertiti. . . . This bust of Nefertiti (believed to have been sculpted during her lifetime) is famous for its grace and beauty. Nefertiti lived from approximately 1370 - 1330 BC. She was an Egyptian queen and the wife of Akhenaten, an Egyptian Pharaoh. Akhenaten is famous for his attempt to transition Egypt into a monotheistic society (worshipping only the sun god, Aten), instead of a polytheistic one.
14. I. Erzsébet angol királynő
I updated my original Queen Elizabeth I! I brought in more modern features which I think bring her look more into modern day while maintaining the integrity of the portrait. Let me know what you think!
+ 1. Jane Austen író
It's been a while since we've seen acclaimed British author Jane Austen. This was an early request from a follower that I enjoyed. I haven't personally read any Jane Austen- what's her best book in your opinion?
Szőcs Lilla
Szőcs Lilla